Safety Articles

North Carolina Chapter of ASSP Achieves Platinum Status for 2018 – 2019!

Aug 9, 2019 | Uncategorized

For the third year in a row, the North Carolina Chapter has achieved Platinum status recognition by the American Society of Safety Professionals! Each year, June 30th marks the end of the chapter year.  Every chapter is required to submit a chapter operations management report with a comprehensive summary of all activities throughout the course of the chapter year, with elements covering: chapter engagement; community outreach; professional development; leadership and training.

Platinum status is the highest status a chapter can achieve from ASSP. With 150 chapters throughout the globe, only 24 chapters (16%) attain platinum status. This accomplishment is especially noteworthy because the requirements and expectations to achieve platinum status increase in difficulty each year to continue to encourage chapters to increase their outreach and support of the safety profession. Such an accomplishment would simply not be possible without excellent leadership! Our executive committee is comprised of a dedicated group of safety professionals who enthusiastically work to ensure our chapter remains among the top performers within our society. In addition to our chapter’s local accomplishments, some of our leaders are also recognized at the ASSP regional level. For instance, Matt Wilcox, CSP, is Region VI Southern Area Director and Deputy Regional Vice President, and Chris Hinson, CSP, CIH, CHMM, serves as Region VI Assistant Regional Vice President of Communications.  If you have interest in supporting our profession and joining our executive committee we would love your support and would appreciate the skills that you can bring to the table.

Congratulations to everyone for such an accomplishment! Hope to see you at a chapter meeting this year!


W. Jon Wallace, MBA, CSP

2018-2019 North Carolina Chapter President