Safety Articles

NFPA 70E – CPR Training Requirements: Please refer to most current edition of NFPA 70E for current CPR requirements

Jun 9, 2009 | 70E - Electrical Safety

The 2009 edition of NFPA 70E – Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace contains several changes over the previous edition. One change addresses CPR training for qualified persons. Article 110.6(C) states:

“…Employees shall be regularly instructed in methods of first aid and emergency procedures, such as approved methods of resuscitation, if their duties warrant such training. Training of employees in approved methods of resuscitation, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation, shall be certified by the employer annually.”

NFPA states the employer shall certify training on an annual basis. This does not specifically require annual training. This wording was used due to the refresher training differences between the American Red Cross (annual refresher training) as compared to the American Heart Asociation (biennial refresher training.) NFPA 70E will accept CPR training from both organizations.

The NFPA 70E Handbook provides additional guidance on the NFPA 70E Code requirements: “…Employees who are frequently exposed to electrical hazards should be trained to provide cardiopulmonary resucitation (CPR).”

Qualified persons who contact an energized source containing alternating current (AC) may experience ventricular fibrillation. An AC contact typically is three times more likely to result in fatality to the victim as compared to contact with direct current (DC). This is why CPR training as well as access to an AED is so beneficial to qualified persons.

In summary, the best practice is to ensure all qualified persons are trained in CPR and your site has access to an AED.

To learn about other changes to the 2009 NFPA 70E code, click here:
