Safety Articles

Recent accidents likely to result in increased enforcement

Jun 11, 2010 | Uncategorized

Several recent safety accidents will likely result in increased enforcement from federal safety agencies. Consider the following incidents that have occurred in 2010:

Tesoro Refinery explosion: On April 2, 2010 a catastrophic failure of a heat exchanger resulted in 7 fatalities. The incident is presently being investigated by the Chemical Safety Board. The blaze started in a naphtha unit of the complex. Naphtha is a volatile, flammable liquid derived during the refining process, and the unit had undergone maintenance and was in the process of returning to operation. The blast was the biggest fatal refinery accident since a 2005 explosion at a BP American refinery in Texas killed 15 people and injured another 170, authorities said. It comes after Tesoro was fined $85,700 in 2009 for 17 serious safety and health violations.

Montcoal Mine Disaster: April 6, 2010 coal mine explosion resulted in 29 fatalities and injured 2. This was the worst coal mine disaster in the United States in the last 40 years. Federal Mine Safety and Health Administration records document three other fatalities there before the April explosion:

  • In July 2003, an electrician was electrocuted by a damaged cable.
  • In March 2001, a machine operator was fatally injured by falling rock.
  • In January 1998, a worker was killed when a mining roof collapsed. An investigation blamed faulty construction.

BP Oil Spill: The April 20, 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill is now considered the most massive oil spill in United States history. The explosion killed 11 platform workers and injured 17 others.  

Increased enforcement is already occurring. For instance, MSHA coal mine enforcement activity has increased significantly since the Montcoal mine disaster. Immediately after the incident, West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin ordered the inspection of all underground coal mines in West Virginia. Also, there has been speculation about potential criminal prosecution with the Montcoal and BP oil spill explosions. Companies should review their safety programs to ensure they are prepared for of an inspection.