Safety Articles

Texas Ranger Stadium Fall Fatality

Jul 8, 2011 | Fall Protection, Interviews

I was interviewed on July 8, 2011, on ESPN – Outside the Lines concerning this incident:

July 7, 2011: A fan died at a Texas Ranger game after leaning over the railing to catch a ball and falling 20 feet. At first glance, it appears the railing is not high enough to protect someone who is leaning over the railing. For instance, OSHA requires guard railing to be 42 inches in height in industrial settings. Also, the railing should be redesigned to prevent fans from stepping up on the midrail.

Two recommendations or Major League Baseball:

  1. Each major league team should perform a fall assessment survey to identify potential fall hazards to fans as well as stadium employees. Upgrades should be made as needed.
  2. Major League Baseball should identify stadiums with effective fall protection as a benchmark for other teams to duplicate.

Click here for more information on this incident.

Also, I was interviewed by Palm Beach Post.
